Press Releases
- 5/8/20: Smith & Eulo Law Firm Wins 11th Circuit Appeal
- 2/26/20: Kaia Rolle’s Attorney Blames Flawed Criminal Justice System
- 7/21/21: Smith & Eulo Announces the 2021 Legal Scholarship Winner
- 9/22/21: Press Release: Reaching out to Locals to Donate for Children’s Halloween Event
- 3/22/22: Press Release: Smith & Eulo’s Legal Scholarship 2022-23 Open for Submissions
- 9/26/2024 Press Release: Smith & Eulo Law Firm Highlights Landmark Criminal Defense Successes by Attorney Ralph Maiolino III
- Pretrial Diversion
- Diversion Program vs. Probation in Florida
- Pretrial Intervention Program Orlando
- Pretrial Release in Florida
- Bond Plus PTR Elmo?
- The Purpose of Pretrial
- Florida Rules of Juvenile Procedure
- Impartial Judge and Jury
- Jury Selection in Florida (2016)
- The Jury Verdict
- Jury Selection in Florida (2019)
- Do It Yourself – Expungement Florida
- Expungement Florida
- What Crimes Can Be Expunged In Florida?
- Florida Expungement Requirements
Your Rights
- Police Brutality Law: Civil Litigation Lawyers
- Driving While Black or Brown in Florida
- Consent to Search
- Can Police Order Passenger Out of Car
- Expectation of Privacy in Florida
- Right to Remain Silent
- Standing to Challenge a Search
- Miranda Warnings Florida
- What To Do About an Incompetent Attorney
- Think You Can Represent Yourself in Court in FL?
- 5 Tips if You Get Pulled Over by Police
- Bond
- Orange County Bond Schedule
- Arrested in Orlando
- What Happens After Arrest?
- Community Control in Florida
- Capias Warrants in Florida
- Prison Release Reoffender: Defining Release
- PRR (Prison Release Reoffender)
- Suspended Jail Sentence
- Sentencing Vocabulary
- Downward Departure
- Florida’s Felony Scoresheet: Punishment & Sentencing
Our Attorneys
- Suggestions
- Downtown Orlando Office Information
- LLC in Florida: Smith & Eulo Law
- Gay Friendly Lawyer Orlando
- Accessory After the Fact in Florida
- An Update to Florida Forfeiture Laws
- Best Evidence Rule
- Character Evidence of the Defendant
- Self Defense in Florida
- Necessity Defense
- Federal Criminal Lawyers: The Insanity Defense
- Confidential Informant
- Reasonable Doubt
- Civil Forfeiture in Florida
- Hearsay
- Hearsay Statements by a Criminal Defendant
- What is Trial Like
- Presence of Defendant
- Prior Statements Made by a Witness
- Privileged Communication in Florida
Frequently Asked Questions
- Random Criminal Laws in Florida
- Restrictions on Concealed Carry Law in Florida
- Romeo and Juliet Law in Florida
- H1B Visa: Immigration Lawyers
- What is the Controlled Substances Act?
- Changes to Florida Drug Testing Laws
- Amendment to Indecent Exposure Law
- New Contraband Prohibited in Florida Prisons
- New Amendment Denies Bail to Sex Offenders
- Faking Military Service in Florida
- Scamming Veterans Now a Felony
- Florida’s Petit Theft Laws: A Guide
- Florida’s Firearm Possession by Felons Law
- Implied Consent Law in Florida
- Motion for Rehearing: Florida Lawyers
- Motion in Limine
- Motion to Continue
- Motion to Suppress (2016)
- Motion to Suppress (2019)
- Motion to Suppress House Guests
- Explanation of Adjudication in Florida
Criminal Defense
- Initial Appearance
- The Case Results
- First Appearance
- Failure to Appear in Court (Jumping Bail)
- Criminal Defense Law Firm: Legal Costs
- Criminal Justice Lawyer: All of Your Cases
- Habeas Corpus
- Jury Consultants: Used by Criminal Defense Lawyers
- Free Consultation
- Indigent for Costs
- Knowing the Judge in Florida
- Assault vs. Battery: What’s the Difference?
- List of Orlando NonProfits: Legal Focus
- Motion to Disqualify
- Orlando Pro Bono Attorneys
- The State Attorneys Case
- Civil Law attorney – what you should know before hiring a bank fraud attorney
- Crimes Against the Elderly
- Criminal Mischief in Florida
- What is Evidence?
- All you need to know about forgery defenses and how may a lawyer help you?
- How an Identity theft defense attorney help you with your charges in Florida?
- How can a Credit card fraud defense lawyer help you with your charges?
- Knock and Announce Rule: Florida Criminal Rules
- What is a Burglary?
- Shoplifting in Florida
- Violation of Curfew in Florida? – Call 407-930-8912 Today
- Lewd or Lascivious Conduct in Florida
- Youthful Offender in Florida
- Difficult Choices in Criminal Law
- How Long Do the Police Have to File Drug Charges
- Administrative License Suspension
- Driver’s License Issues
- Driving without a License in Florida
- Penalty for Driving Without License In Florida
- Felony Criminal Lawyers: Traffic Stop
- Unlawful Traffic Stop in Florida
- Expensive Repairs after Accident Crash
- 1st Degree Felonies
- Second Degree Felonies
- Third Degree Felonies
- First Degree Murder in Florida
- Habitual Violent Felony Offender (HVFO)
- What is Felony Battery in Florida?
- HFO (Habitual Felony Offender)
- 10 20 Life
White Collar
- Law firms – how can a RICO defense Florida attorney can help?
- RICO in Florida: Criminal Defense
- What is the difference between theft, robbery and burglary?
- Human Trafficking Laws
- Kidnapping in Florida
- Gang Offenses in Florida
- Grand Theft Florida
- Cannabis Laws in Florida
- Constructive Possession
- Drug Trafficking Lawyer
- Involuntary Intoxication
- Minor in Possession of Alcohol
- Medical Marijuana
- Temporary Possession of Drugs
- Positive UA (Urinalysis)
Civil Defense
- Products Liability in Florida: Civil Litigation
- Discrimination in the Workplace
- Parenting Plan in Florida
- Paternity in Florida
- Law Firms – Who has the liability if a fan gets hurt at a game?
- Negative Impeachment
- Tenants Rights in Florida
- Wrongful Death
- Distribution of Property
- Holdover Tenant in Florida
- Homeowners Association in Florida and Beyond
- 2nd DUI 5 years
- DUI Criminal Lawyers: Fresh Pursuit
- DUI Law Firm in Orlando: Pretrial Diversion
- How to Find a Good DUI Lawyer
- What to Do if You’re Charged with a DUI
- Hardship License in Florida
Car Accidents
- PIP Limits
- PIP Lawyers Orlando
- Car Sharing Car Accidents in Florida
- How Long Do You Have to Report a Car Accident in Florida?
- The Do’s and Don’ts after a Florida Car accident
- What to do After a Car Accident in Florida
- Vehicular Homicide
Car Accident Lawyers
- What Goes into a Car Crash Lawsuit?
- Car Accident Lawyer: Understanding Recovery
- Do I need a car accident lawyer to receive a settlement in Florida?
- Driver’s Negligence Imputed: Car Accident Lawyer
- How to Choose a Car Accident Lawyer in Orlando?
- Should I Hire a Lawyer for a Minor Car Accident
- Should I hire a non-injury car accident lawyer?
- The Need of Hiring a Lawyer Though the Car Accident Wasn’t Your Fault
- Do I need a lawyer for a minor accident?
- Things an Accident Attorney Can Do for You