Backpage is described as a classified ads website similar to Craigslist. If you actually take a look on Backpage in Orlando, there is a section for adult ads, and part of that is for escorts. Once you actually click on the escorts link, it takes you to this screen where it has a disclaimer and you also have to agree to Terms of Use before you can continue.

On the terms of service pages, there’s a line that says, “I also agree to report suspected exploitation of minors and/or human trafficking to the appropriate authorities.” However, police say that the website continues to be an issue, and the wording on the advertisements may lead to an arrest for using Backpage in Orlando. Attorneys across Florida, for example, have raised concerns about Backpage in Orlando. In 2012, Washington enacted a law to combat prostitution and human trafficking but then was challenged by Backpage. The judge ruled in favor of Backpage because of First Amendment.

When Was Backpage Suspended

On April 6th, 2018, federal agents searched the house belonging to Carl Ferrer, one of Backpage’s founders. The federal government shut down the internet site claiming it was an action supported by the Justice Department’s office that fights child sexual exploitation. The site was the online version of the adult-oriented classified ads, but it’s long been accused of facilitating prostitution and has been a target of local prosecutors and congressional investigations.

backpage website seized

Why Florida College Teens Were Arrested for Using Backpage in Florida Classifieds

Samara Charlotin a college student from FIU and her friend Acacia Friedman a University of Miami student who were two Backpage in Orlando Florida escorts were busted by Gables Florida police during a sting operation using women seeking men in Orlando Backpage classifieds in the colonnade Hotel in the heart of Coral Gables. Also arrested by Gables cops 21 year old Maury Noun also a University of Miami student. The two girls were arrested, after accepting $5,000 for prostitution in Florida.

As of January 9th, 2017, Backpage ran their adult section containing different types of escorts and massage workers, similar to Craigslist in the Orlando Backpage section. This ran on a Backpage in the Orlando website until the website suspended the adult section following actions of the United States subcommittee that was directly involved with sex trafficking.

If you are arrested for using Backpage in Orlando. What’s next?

Prostitution is the oldest profession in the world. Despite being illegal in many states, many people still solicit prostitutes and sexual escort services. If you get caught soliciting a prostitute by using Backpage in Orlando Florida, it’s important to know that you have the right to remain silent. Don’t try to explain why you use Backpage in Orlando to find an escort or massage service. You have the right to a sex offense attorney, call us Smith & Eulo at 407-930-8912 , or email us at and we’ll start working on your defense right away.

Soliciting a prostitute is a crime of moral turpitude. Being convicted of prostitution will stay on your record permanently and could result in jail for up to 60 days, with a $500 fine, and you could lose your Florida driver’s license. It’s important that you understand that you will need an Orlando criminal defense lawyer who can help you fight your case if you were involved in the solicitation of a prostitute by using Backpage in Orlando, Florida.

Smith & Eulo handles all types of felony sex offenses, our criminal defense lawyers have over 100 years of combined experience successfully litigating cases. Contact us today to talk about your specific situation, the initial consultation is free.

If you or your loved one find themselves in a situation where you are being accused of the use of backpage? Call us right away at 407-930-8912 to speak with a qualified legal professional or fill out the contact form on this page. We’re available 24/7, we offer free initial consultation and payment plans. In addition to our Orlando office, we have offices in the following cities across the state of Florida:

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