Carrying Concealed Weapons Without a License In Florida?

Hi, My Name is Luz Root. I am a criminal defense attorney here at Smith & Eulo in Orlando, FL. Today we will talk about carrying concealed weapons without a license. Now open carry  is still illegal under most circumstances, but last year a new law was passed and people who would otherwise qualify and be eligible for a concealed weapons permit can carry without a license.

The weapon must be concealed at all times, and some of the other requirements include: (1) you must be 21 years of older, (2) you must carry your ID at all times, (3) and you have to be a United States Citizen or  Permanent Resident, however, you CANNOT carry a firearm if you are a convicted felon, if you have been adjudicated incapacitated by a court, or if you are committed to a mental institution.

You also don’t qualify if you have an injunction entered against you, or if you have been in felony probation or misdemeanor for a crime of domestic violence in the past 3 years. This law doesn’t just give you the right to just carry the firearm anywhere you want, there are still limitations, you cannot carry in schools, universities, police stations, jail facilities, courthouses, or any other places prohibited by federal law. And lastly conceal weapon permits are not going away.

If you or  a loved one need a criminal defense attorney, don’t hesitate to call Smith & Eulo. We are available 24/7 and offer payment plans.

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