Shanna Bailey, Criminal Defense Attorney


Shanna Bailey, born and raised in New England, has exemplified leadership and dedication from an early age. As president of the student council and captain of several sports teams, she developed strong leadership skills that have carried through her career. Working at her parents’ businesses as a teen instilled in her a robust work ethic and a deep appreciation for community investment.

Shanna’s journey took her across the country, spending significant time in Florida, Nevada, and California. She earned her bachelor’s degree in Political Science with a concentration in Constitutional Law from the University of California, Davis. It was at UC Davis that Shanna discovered her passion for animal advocacy. She dedicated countless hours to volunteering at a ranch for rescued animals trained as support companions for children with special needs. Her advocacy extended to championing causes for canine bully breeds, fighting for breed-neutral legislation, and fostering nearly a dozen pit bulls.

In California, Shanna also worked as a consultant in government affairs in Sacramento. Her consulting work included state ballot initiatives and candidate campaigns. Additionally, she served as a legislative advocate for private businesses, particularly in renewable energy. Shanna also contributed to international projects, including the Special Olympics.

Returning to New England, Shanna pursued her law degree at Vermont Law School, where she earned her Juris Doctor. Initially interested in environmental law, she found her strengths in criminal law. She excelled in moot court and appellate advocacy, honing her courtroom skills. Notably, Shanna was the first second-year student in the school’s history to be elected Student Bar Association president. She was also a member of the school’s rugby team and was an honorary member of the Veteran’s Law Group, where she was recognized for her work on behalf of veterans.

Shanna began her legal career in Florida with the Guardian ad Litem program, dedicated to protecting the rights of neglected and abused children. As an advocate for children, Shanna had many successes in and out of the courtroom. She helped to reunify countless families, but also successfully terminated parental rights in the most egregious cases.

Shanna then joined the Office of the State Attorney in Hillsborough County, where she prosecuted a range of cases from DUI to attempted murder. At the SAO, she developed a highly skilled motion practice, successfully defeating motions to dismiss, motions to suppress, and stand-your-ground motions. Most notably, Shanna had a winning trial record trying nearly two dozen case to verdict.

Her prosecutorial experience provides Shanna with a deep intuition for justice and unparalleled insight into prosecutorial practices. Combined with her tireless work ethic and commitment to the community, Shanna is a formidable asset in criminal defense.

Shanna resides in Tampa with her two pit bulls, Carmelo “Melo” and Emilio “Lio.” She continues to volunteer actively in her community, working on behalf of the homeless and advocating for animal welfare.


Vermont Law School, South Royalton, Vermont
Degree: Juris Doctor 2016

University of California, Davis 
Degree: B.A. 2013
Major: Political Science

Professional Memberships
The Florida Bar
Phi Alpha Law Fraternity

Call Shanna Today! 813-359-8667